Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sure Signs of Spring...

(all photos from summer 2010)

A couple of weeks ago, we had snowbanks almost as tall as me. And then, magically, it disappeared virtually overnight, revealing brownish-green grass and little deposits from my cats dotted about the lawn. The handyman hauled out his super-duper extending ladder:
~ the one we use to rescue cats and shoes off the roof ~
...and finally took down the holiday wreaths from the peaks of our home.

We were "that kind" of household this year. 

The kind you drive by and remark, "Those people should have taken down their wreaths by now!"

Yep; we broke many rules on the ladder to classiness.

And I could care less. I don't know what's gotten into me. 
But I have attempted a little spring cleaning. Living room slip covers got washed and I cleaned one shelf of my fridge. The downstairs slipcovers are so full of cat hair you could make an ugly sweater, and my onions are growing onion, but hey: I could care less. For now.

Because I know as the days get longer and the grass turns greener and my cats leave deposits in my flower beds instead of the snow, I will catch spring fever. And scrub my house from top to bottom and browse decorating magazines and all of your lovely blogs. And I have a LOT in my reader!

And then the handyman is in serious trouble.
Because then I start thinking of projects we can do.
Which means he can build and I can paint.

And I stumbled upon the photo of my patio makeover last spring (photo above) and it reminded me that sooner than later we will be eating breakfast outside and I will be hanging clothes on the line everyday. And the birds (or hornets) will return to my birdhouse atop my clothesline post. And I will begin receiving squirrel remains on my front step each day from my least admired cat. And we will put our porch swing and I will play hooky one day and spend the entire afternoon on that same swing and read a book almost cover to cover.
Because I can do that if I really like the book.
Can't you?

And I will wonder if every person who drives by will think I am incredibly lazy or just really smart.
Hurry up Spring!!