Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Moving Backwards...

(My new blue chairs, embellished with number decals from the fabulous Leen, the Graphics Queen!!)

I have had a style epiphany of sorts. It seems that at a time in my life when I should be seeking out quality and making furniture investments, I am doing a bit of a backslide. I read many blogs where they are purchasing "quality pieces for their home" and mulling over each buying decision with as much thought as they plan their retirements. Cheaper make-do furnishings are being given away or sold to make room for newer, more permanent, quality additions.

So. what is wrong with me?

Even if I could spend the kind of money to purchase "better," I am not sure that I would. With two teen-age sons, university costs are looming and, technically, I am not "there" just yet. It seems silly to wander furniture stores when real-life expenses like that are almost upon us.

But that's not the point.

This picture (I bought it from from Kiki and Polly.com) depicts me in this time of my life:

Need/Want, need/want, need want...

Sure, as someone who sees many things I like, I have pangs to actually go out and get them. But I have matured in some ways and realize that just because I want something doesn't mean I need it...or deserve it.

And then there is the simple fact that I am pretty fickle when it comes to style. I can easily become lured in by a beautiful object, fabric or piece of furniture and it can set me to daydreaming about change. Luckily, budget and good old common sense can keep it in check for the most part, but I LIKE CHANGE!

So, even if I could spend $300 (or more) on a chair for my dining table, well, I need six!
And then what happens when I get tired of that look and want or need change?

I think IKEA is the place for people like me. Sure, there is a snobbery to some that IKEA is for college students or those on a tight budget...those who don't crave quality.

But I say this: sometimes quality is (dare I say it?) boring. Maybe not at first, when its shapely form or plush fabric seduces you from across a room. But let's face it. The shine comes off everything after a while and becomes vegetable lasagna.  And I haven't been disappointed by an IKEA piece, yet!

So what have I done?

I have embraced my inner college student and stored my perfectly fine but perfectly boring (read, unstylish) dining chairs and bought these $20 cuties from IKEA, in the softest shade of blue!

Seriously fun and sturdy, they can be easily cast aside and put to use elsewhere in my home when I fall for the charms of something else.

Something better? More quality, perhaps?

We'll see.

For now, I will go back to my flower and the want/need approach to decorating. Some things are worth the wait, for sure, and some things are just good, cheap fun!